Most ear lobes extend below the lower point of attachment of the ear. 大多数耳垂位于耳朵下方的较低处。
The list of these objects refers to the superblock and defines the mount point, name of the/ dev device on which this file system resides, and other higher-level attachment information. 这些对象的列表引用超块,并定义挂载点、文件系统所在的/dev设备的名称以及其他高级附加信息。
( anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment. 解剖学中称动物或植物的器官最接近结合点的部分。
The stiffness of tower crane flexible attachment and the reasonable distance of support point ( anatomy) situated nearest to point of attachment or origin. 塔机柔性附着刚度及合理间距的确定(解剖学)位于距离附着点或者起端最近的地方。
( anatomy) situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone. (解剖学)位于距离附着点或者起端最远的地方,例如指肢或者骨。
The anchor is a fixed point of attachment such as a tree, rock, or other "bomb-proof" attachment. 锚点是指绳索的固定点,例如树、岩石或其他结实的固定点。
( especially of aircraft wings) angled rearward from the point of attachment. (尤指飞机机翼)从连接点向后转变角度。
The part of an animal or plant organ nearest its point of attachment. 动物或植物的器官最近结合点的部分。
On the file menu, point to save attachments, and then click the name of the attachment that you want to save. 在“文件”菜单上,指向“保存附件”,再单击要保存的附件的名称。
The scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle. 种子上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹。
The point or mode of attachment of a skeletal muscle to the bone or other body part that it moves. 附着处骨骼肌肉与骨或它所带动的身体其他部分的连接点或连接方式。
Manipulation of traction on pyramidal muscle, massage on the point of attachment of pyramidal muscle, plucking and poking method on pyramidal muscle and massage on concerning acupoints. 方法以椎枕肌手法牵引、椎枕肌附着点按摩法、椎枕肌弹拨法以及相关穴位按摩。
Mobile IP ( MIP) based on IP layer offers a global mobility solution to support wireless Internet traffic, and it enables any mobile node ( MN) to change its point of attachment to the Internet while being continually identified by its home IP address. 移动IP是基于网络层提供移动支持功能的全方位移动解决方案,它具有可扩展性、可靠性和安全性,并使节点在切换链路时仍可保持在进行的通信。
Mainly focus on the main design point of stone material and regarding to the none cement attachment construction method for stone material in the anti-quake shelter decoration engineering utilization, how to keep the building's safety by the gravity load, wind load earth-quake load and temperature affection. 主要阐述石材干挂设计要点,并针对石材干挂施工法在抗震设防区装饰工程应用中如何确保在重力荷载、风荷载和地震荷载和温度作用下建筑物的使用安全。
Network Mobility ( NEMO) is concerned with managing the mobility of an entire network to change its point of attachment to the Internet and thus its reachability, efficiency and security issues. 网络移动(NetworkMobility,NEMO)主要研究子网作为一个整体在全球互联网范围内移动过程中存在的网络可达性、效率和安全等方面的问题。
Clients obtain Internet services by negotiating a point of attachment to a "home domain", generally from an ISP, or other organization from which service requests are made, and fulfilled. 客户通过与家乡协商获取接入点来得到Internet服务,通常服务由ISP提供。
In point of education, the manifestation of psychological punishment includes underestimation ( such as humiliation, threat, indifference and so on) negligence and abnormal attachment. 教育中的心理惩罚的表现形式有轻视(包括羞辱、威胁、冷漠等)、忽视和畸形重视。研究心理惩罚的特征与表现形式,可以为解决心理惩罚问题提供相应的理论依据。
It could advance accuracy of closed traverse point if we reasonably thought of the error of closed traverse s measuring of attachment. 正确合理地考虑闭合导线连测误差的影响,有助于提高闭合导线点的精度。
They present the typical cartilage tissue in the area among the ascending aorta and the aortic arch, and the point of attachment of aortic valve. 在升主动脉和主动脉弓移行处及主动脉瓣附着处呈现典型的软骨组织。
The article reviewed the theoretical backgrounds and major point of view, classifications and measurements of romantic attachment, and latest advances of researches on romantic attachment, Finally, several issues which needed further clarification were discussed. 该文介绍了婚恋依恋提出的背景和主要观点、婚恋依恋类型及测量方法、有关婚恋依恋的主要研究成果、最后探讨了婚恋依恋领域有待深入研究的问题。
With the development of network technology and the increase of portable terminals, mobile nodes are expected to remain reachable with transparency while moving around on the Internet, regardless of its current point of attachment to the Internet. 随着网络技术不断发展和便携式终端的不断增加,移动节点希望在任何位置接入IP网络,并且在移动过程中能够保持与网络的透明连接。
Mobile IP provide IP mobility solution and make it possible for mobile node to change its point of attachment without losing its ability to communicate and use a permanent IP to access any link. 移动IP技术提供了IP移动功能的解决方案,它可以使节点在切换链路时不用中断正在进行的通信,使移动节点可以通过一个永久的IP地址连接到任何一条链路上。
Although others point of view has not been quoted directly in this article, some books about linguistics and translation theory are referred and the detail reference book list is attachment of the article. 正文虽没有直接细用他人的研究观点,但也间接地参考了一些有关语言学和翻译理论有关的参考书,详细的书目名附在论文的参考文献中,在这里对这些作者,深表谢意。
As a commissary of the new left-wing Marxism, Immanuel Wallerstein analyzed the world system from the history macroscopical point based on the affection of Marxism theory and Attachment theory. 沃勒斯坦作为新左派马克思主义的代表之一,在吸收马克思主义理论和依附理论的基础上,以历史宏观的视角对世界体系进行了分析。